Category: General & Miscellaneous >>> The Greatest Great Divide
After their Golden Age under David and Solomon, the biblical Hebrews suffered a divided kingdom that was never again able to unify. (See the Hebrew Bible, known by Christians as the Old Testament, I Kings 12 and all that follows.)
During the very early Middle Ages, when the Roman Empire was deteriorating, it split into two empires - Western (Rome) and Eastern (Constantinople).
A necessary step in the development of the United States was its own bifurcation, and its war between the North and South.
One of the most common psychological illnesses is the "Split (!) Personality," which forms during an unusually troubled childhood as a psychological survival technique.
When the sperm fertilizes the egg, what's the first thing that happens? A division into two.
Most of the history of Western Philosophy follows two broad traditions: 1. Plato >>> Augustine >>> Philosophical Idealism (Kant, Berkeley etc.) 2. Aristotle >>> Aquinas >>> Naturalism, Pragmatism and Philosophical Materialism
Light and darkness, Sun and Moon, Inner and Outer, Private and Public, conservative and liberal, rich and poor, pure science and applied science, East and West, North Pole and South Pole, Heaven and Earth, B.C. (or BCE) and A.D. (or C.E.), winners and losers, and on and on in every category of the human experience.
You'll notice I've said nothing so far. Thanks for reminding me. I was building up to it. I think gender is the primordial, basic, essential division - even more basic than the bifurcations we see in nature. It seems to me that virtually all other two-fold divisions are rooted in, manifestations of and comprehensible only in reference to, the phenomenon of gender.
-To be Continued-
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